Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment

Applied Organizational Communication

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

  • 240 kr

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Applied Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice in a Global Environment. Applied Organizational Communication provides a current, in-depth analysis of the theories and practices critical to understanding organizational communication concepts in a global environment. Exploring the diverse communication challenges in today's organizations, this text: * Explains the impact of critical environmental influences on all levels; * Provides extensive discussion of teams, leadership, technology, listening, and interpersonal communication; * Offers current analysis, utilizing a broad base of information and research; and * Establishes links between organizational communication and perceptions, theory, networks, and symbolic behavior. Building on the successful foundation of the previous editions, this third edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the most current organizational communication theory and research.Features of this edition include: * Extensive real life examples and experiences * Grounding in transactional communication and advanced systems approaches * Macro and micro analyses of key topics and issues As an accessible and practical examination of organizational communication, this text is intended for use in organizational communication, leadership, organizational development, and organizational intervention courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level.

Forfattere: Mark D. Nelson, Thomas E. Harris Utgave: 3 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 469
ISBN: 9780805859416 Vekt: 635 g
Forlag: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2007 Veil. pris: 0 kr
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