The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook

The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child

John Wiley & Sons

  • 249 kr

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The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook. Emotional abuse and neglect are at the core of all types of child maltreatment, and have the most harmful effects on the physical and psychological development and well-being of children. Yet they are considered to be the most difficult to deal with by those who have the responsibility to protect and intervene in effective ways. In this book the author explores the concept of a damaged child, and asks what are the different types of injury, ranging from active to passive, physical to emotional, that stop children from reaching their full potential psychologically and physically? The author questions whether emotional damage to a child can be repaired and answers questions such as: Is some injury irreversible? What therapeutic techniques are available to deal with emotional abuse? Can the abusers as well as the abused be helped to change? Case studies are provided to illustrate the features of emotional abuse, and chapters are devoted to the assessment and prediction of emotional abuse, effects of emotional abuse as the child grows up, intervention and treatment and working with the family as a whole.

Forfattere: Dorota Iwaniec Utgave: 2 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 405
ISBN: 9780470011010 Vekt: 812 g
Forlag: John Wiley & Sons Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 2006 Veil. pris: 0 kr
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